schedule time to OPEN a sacred WINDOW TODAY

How we find our way has roots in where we begin. When fear makes excuses, loves leans in closer to listen and understand why.

With And wishes for you to feel seen, heard, known and shown. Opening the window for true sacred connection.

Go deep on the first play, and schedule With And today. LINK BELOW

connect with and

Begin to till the soil of new discovery with this questionnaire.

Start a social relationship on the DMs

Or receive long distance letters into your inbox.

However you need to engage With And, let your needs be known.

Having marketed and sold AI stories meant to target our data, With And has gone rogue analog, Just need the most essential of info to connect with privacy.

  • 1 & 1 Personal SESSIONS

    30 min curated creative sessions With And, on voice or video, to take a brief free dive into your passionate purposeful projects

  • ears to hear

    Sonically sink into meaningful conversations and immersive experiences that question our conditioning, reshape our souls, and lead us to hear new life.